Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am realizing that life is so crazy sometimes that you just can't blog. What is sad is that when it is busy, I want to remember everything, so it is rather sad.

Since I am a horrible blogger/journaler, here is a brief run-down.

My roomies and next door neighbors are fandiddalieastic.
My classes are the
This weekend was marvelous.
I love people watching at school.
I discovered WinCo and all of it's WinCo glory.
I realized that I call people my age kids. A lot.
I realized that I have changed my ways since high school and allow myself to get stressed very easily. I mean, how did I not?!
I realized that I struggle hard core in the flirting department. Oh well.
I realized for the ninety and ninth time that English is my favorite subject in school.

That's all.

Love, the Boring Blogger

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