Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why are People so Cool?

I believe, for the most part, that people have good intentions. Lately, I have been noticing a lot of things that people have been doing that are, well good. Obviously, this is blog worthy.

Also, the blog is super intimidating lately. It's weird. So I am breaking from my slightly facetious norm and just writing what I am thinking. I don't want to stop blogging because I can't think of anything funny to say.

Back on subject.

I am an avid bus rider in Utah Valley. Did you know that you can get almost anywhere on those things? And if you are a student it is only 40 dollars per year. Talk about a deal. Gas would cost about that much for just a week! 

As I have been a bus trip warrior, I have encountered a vast amount of interesting things. My favorite of which happened on a very snowy evening. 

We were nearly to the stop that I had to get off at. I was dreading getting out of the bus and walking a whole 50 yards to get to my apartment. As I was throwing my silent pity party, the bus made its final stop before the one where I got off. I saw that the bus driver was taking the actions to get ready for a wheel chair. After everything was set, a lady rolled onto the bus. She was completely covered in snow and soaking wet. I immediately began to feel sorry for her was ashamed of myself for thinking that I was poorly picked on for having to walk 50 measly yards to shelter. As she was rolling on, she looked me in the eye, smiled, and said; "I'm the abominable snow man". I was shocked at how much vigor she had. She did not even seem to be phased by the cold that was probably soaking into her bones. 

She has the best attitude I have ever seen.

Another little anecdote happened this morning. I had to go to a meeting at church. As I was walking home, a guy pulled over and asked if I needed a ride. He looked nice enough, and I have learned that when a guy offers to be a gentleman, you wholeheartedly accept. I was thinking that he must be at least 21 to be that mature and considerate, but as him and I were talking, I discovered that he was still in high school. I had never met such a mature and kind person. I know it was a small act that a lot of people do everyday, but for some reason it made my day a little bit brighter.

I want to be like both of these people when I grow up.

1 comment:

  1. McCall...I love this. You're so great. I know you'll be like them when you grow up eventually.
