Sunday, January 15, 2012

Something Sad

There is nothing more tragic to me than going to the bathroom, in a public place, while listening to someone throw up.

I never know what to do. I want to ask them if they are ok, and if I can get anything for them, (when I am done going, obviously) but I don't know if that is socially acceptable and I don't want to make them feel awkward since they are already not in the best situation. If anyone knows what I should do in this situation, you should tell me. It has happened to me two times in the last week, and I am guessing that those two times will not be the last with the little flu bug going around. I am praying that bug doesn't sink it's teeth into my poor helpless immune system's skin.

On a completely different subject, I think I decided that they hire professors with english accents so that students are inspired to be more articulate.

Also, I am obsessed with my Philosophy class. My professor has a degree from the King's College in Human Rights and Genocide. HOW FREAKING COOL IS THAT!?!?!?!?!?! Plus he is the one with an english accent, and he is a total hipster. My friends, I think I have found my favorite professor of all time.

I am obsessed with people watching, too.

I am going to stop writing now because I feel creepy.

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