Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I am just so grateful for the life that I am able to live. I have a wonderful family. I have wonderful friends. I have wonderful opportunities.
I am so blessed to know that every challenge that I face was made specifically for me and that I can overcome them with the help of my Savior. The best part is that I can not only overcome them, but grow and learn from them. It is so wonderful! 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

In a Constant State of Limbo

The last three years of my life have been very interesting. It often feels as though I find myself in the same place. A place of yearning to feel a sense of belonging. Now, I absolutely do not mean this in the sense of not belonging to a certain group of people or anything of that nature. I am talking about belonging to plans.

I have always been very blessed to know who I am, where I came from, and where I am going. I have known this on the big scale. However, I just have to figure out the smaller things that, with the help of my Heavenly Father, will get me to where I am supposed to go and, more importantly, who I am supposed to become. By little things are great things brought to pass. 

Today at church, the bishop of the ward that I was attending was talking about the "comfort zone" and being stuck in a rut. I have been stuck in a rut since I graduated from high school. I don't seem to be able to figure out what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I don't know what I am supposed to become. 

This has been frustrating to me.

Over the last couple of months I have realized something. 

I have been put in this rut for a reason. 

That reason is to get out. 

I just need to climb out. 

How am I to do this? 

Quite simply, put all of my trust in the Lord. Aligning my will with the Lord's is the answer to every dilemma. He knows me better than I know myself. He is my creator and Redeemer. He has been through what I have been through and walks by my side as I go. 

Life is so much more meaningful when this happens. 

So, out of this rut I will climb. I am replacing all of my fear with faith and am excited to see the results of this leap. 

I know that there are other ruts that will come and I will have to climb out of those. But for now, I am going to put all of my might into getting out of this 3 year rut. 

Here we go!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Anatomy of a Tuesday

Today was just chock full of childhood memories. For no reason, and so many reasons all at the same time.  The memory really is so tricky. The things that may have seemed so menial in the everyday life of the former self are now the things that stick out the most.

Random tangent: One of my co-workers helps with kindergarteners at a nearby elementary. She was telling me how one of the little girls, Maddy, (Ok, confession: I don't actually remember the little girl's name. Just pretend as though her name is Maddy for the good of the colony.) Maddy has a crush on a boy in her class. Said boy's name is Jaxon (again, go along with it). When Maddy writes her name on her papers that she hands in, she also writes Jaxon's name, so it reads "Maddy Jaxon". My co-worker said she never knows whom the paper belongs to because of this. I think that it is absolutely adorable. Such.... Devotion....?

One of my favorite memories from elementary school started while getting a drink from a water fountain. After my little 7-year-old self had taken a sip of water, I turned around to see a boy in the grade younger standing really close to me. The minute that I looked at him, he said "you make me huuuuuuuuunnnnnngry!" and then ran away. I had no clue what it meant at the time, but I knew it was weird.

That's all.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stuff and Stuff

I used to love to blog. In fact, I would blog at least once a day. I loved blogging because it forces me to think things through and formulate my thoughts from start to finish.

Even though my typical blog post consists of tales of throwing up on a bus or ants dancing on my eyelashes.

Anyway. Folks, it's time to get to blogging again. It has been far too long. I think that because of this, my sense of humor is beginning to crash and burn. Since, you know, I am so funny.

I am not afraid to admit that I think that I am way more funny than I really am.

Oh well. You are the one who is reading this. Feel free to stop at any time.

But really.

For the duration of this post, I will write short comments about things.

Wow, I really do stink at blogging. I remember why I resigned to take a break.

Well, I hear that practice makes perfect, so here I go.

Have you ever thought about how strange we humans are? We are so strange. I realized this as I was painting my toenails redish - pinkish the other day. Who in the world first thought to put colors on our nails. Not the nails of all human beings, just females. I guess in a way it is kind of neat (in a sick and slightly twisted way). Sometimes, when doing menial things, such as painting my toenails and putting pictures up on my wall, I think about how awesome people are. We just want to make things more pretty, or make them better. It's pretty great. We are cool.

Whelp, now I think that I am done posting for today. Maybe since I finally blogged, I will starting thinking about it again and think of things to write about.

Congrats, you made it to the end of my absurd blog post.

I just want to say blog a few more times before post this.



Blog. Blog. Blog.


Blog. Blog.


Alright. Bye.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Nonsense Transmission

I always wear two rings. I am obsessed with turquoise, so naturally, one is of that nature. I like to twirl my rings. I especially like to twirl them while reading.

I have had lots of experiences in the last few days that have lead me to the conclusion that the silent floor in the library is not a good place for me, nor is it my natural habitat.

I am currently sitting at a desk, in the library, on the silent floor, with the side partitions. Directly in front of me, also with a side partitioned desk, is an attractive guy. While minding my own business, reading and ring twirling away, my fingers became butter. Let me tell you, when your fingers decide to become butter, nothing good happens. (It happens to me on a regular basis.) Yes, you guessed it, the ring rapidly rolled right next to the foot of the attractive male in front of me. If this was not the silent floor of the library, I would loudly say "hey dude, could you hand me my ring?!" But alack, it is not possible because of this thing called silence. Considering the elimination of that option on account of silence and embarrassment, my options are as follows:

1. Crawl under both of our desks and pray that he doesn't notice. There is no way that he won't notice, who am I kidding?!

2. Wait until he leaves. This option will likely result in a few extra hours spent at the library, judging by the grandiose pile of chemistry books that are stacked on his desk and the fact that he just got here. (Smart and cute.... McCall, please don't make a fool of yourself.)

3. Leave the ring. (NEVER!)

4. Use my inventing skills to create a devise that will get the ring. Materials needed: tape and two more pencils.

5. Create a distraction for him by throwing a pencil at his face.

6. Pull the fire alarm.

7. Just suck it up and do what a normal person would do and walk around to his side, tap on his shoulder, and ask him to get my ring for me. (ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would just be way too easy.)

That's all I have to say about that. Pray for me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The past few days have been weird. 

And that's all I have to say about that.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Sitting the the library can cause acceleration or deceleration with school work. It never stays the same. Today is deceleration. Well, at least for the last half hour.

Today, I decided to explore what is the other floors of the library. The other floors of the library are magical. I found a big, comfy chair with an ottoman on a newly discovered floor. The big, comfy chair overlooks the biggest parking lot on campus, along with the busy freeway, Utah Lake, and snow capped mountains.

While sitting and looking upon the cars and people rushing to and fro, I can't help but make a comparison with an ant hill. Everyone seems to know the uniformity of walking where told to walk, and stopping when an all powerful car is about to cross their path. The freeway doesn't help the humanistic cause, either.

I always think of the same thing when ascending in an airplane. The people, who turn into specks, have the same ant-like qualities.

Then, it hits me. I realize that all of the specks have brains, feelings, wants, desires, goals, agendas, and plans. Every speck is different. Every speck is cared for. Every speck has a life such as I do.

Every speck matters.