Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Anatomy of a Tuesday

Today was just chock full of childhood memories. For no reason, and so many reasons all at the same time.  The memory really is so tricky. The things that may have seemed so menial in the everyday life of the former self are now the things that stick out the most.

Random tangent: One of my co-workers helps with kindergarteners at a nearby elementary. She was telling me how one of the little girls, Maddy, (Ok, confession: I don't actually remember the little girl's name. Just pretend as though her name is Maddy for the good of the colony.) Maddy has a crush on a boy in her class. Said boy's name is Jaxon (again, go along with it). When Maddy writes her name on her papers that she hands in, she also writes Jaxon's name, so it reads "Maddy Jaxon". My co-worker said she never knows whom the paper belongs to because of this. I think that it is absolutely adorable. Such.... Devotion....?

One of my favorite memories from elementary school started while getting a drink from a water fountain. After my little 7-year-old self had taken a sip of water, I turned around to see a boy in the grade younger standing really close to me. The minute that I looked at him, he said "you make me huuuuuuuuunnnnnngry!" and then ran away. I had no clue what it meant at the time, but I knew it was weird.

That's all.


  1. Don't you just love how those things just come to you, childhood memories :) I had such a great childhood, I love thinking back to those times :)!
