Monday, February 6, 2012

Nonsense Transmission

I always wear two rings. I am obsessed with turquoise, so naturally, one is of that nature. I like to twirl my rings. I especially like to twirl them while reading.

I have had lots of experiences in the last few days that have lead me to the conclusion that the silent floor in the library is not a good place for me, nor is it my natural habitat.

I am currently sitting at a desk, in the library, on the silent floor, with the side partitions. Directly in front of me, also with a side partitioned desk, is an attractive guy. While minding my own business, reading and ring twirling away, my fingers became butter. Let me tell you, when your fingers decide to become butter, nothing good happens. (It happens to me on a regular basis.) Yes, you guessed it, the ring rapidly rolled right next to the foot of the attractive male in front of me. If this was not the silent floor of the library, I would loudly say "hey dude, could you hand me my ring?!" But alack, it is not possible because of this thing called silence. Considering the elimination of that option on account of silence and embarrassment, my options are as follows:

1. Crawl under both of our desks and pray that he doesn't notice. There is no way that he won't notice, who am I kidding?!

2. Wait until he leaves. This option will likely result in a few extra hours spent at the library, judging by the grandiose pile of chemistry books that are stacked on his desk and the fact that he just got here. (Smart and cute.... McCall, please don't make a fool of yourself.)

3. Leave the ring. (NEVER!)

4. Use my inventing skills to create a devise that will get the ring. Materials needed: tape and two more pencils.

5. Create a distraction for him by throwing a pencil at his face.

6. Pull the fire alarm.

7. Just suck it up and do what a normal person would do and walk around to his side, tap on his shoulder, and ask him to get my ring for me. (ABSOLUTELY NOT. That would just be way too easy.)

That's all I have to say about that. Pray for me.

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