Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stuff and Stuff

I used to love to blog. In fact, I would blog at least once a day. I loved blogging because it forces me to think things through and formulate my thoughts from start to finish.

Even though my typical blog post consists of tales of throwing up on a bus or ants dancing on my eyelashes.

Anyway. Folks, it's time to get to blogging again. It has been far too long. I think that because of this, my sense of humor is beginning to crash and burn. Since, you know, I am so funny.

I am not afraid to admit that I think that I am way more funny than I really am.

Oh well. You are the one who is reading this. Feel free to stop at any time.

But really.

For the duration of this post, I will write short comments about things.

Wow, I really do stink at blogging. I remember why I resigned to take a break.

Well, I hear that practice makes perfect, so here I go.

Have you ever thought about how strange we humans are? We are so strange. I realized this as I was painting my toenails redish - pinkish the other day. Who in the world first thought to put colors on our nails. Not the nails of all human beings, just females. I guess in a way it is kind of neat (in a sick and slightly twisted way). Sometimes, when doing menial things, such as painting my toenails and putting pictures up on my wall, I think about how awesome people are. We just want to make things more pretty, or make them better. It's pretty great. We are cool.

Whelp, now I think that I am done posting for today. Maybe since I finally blogged, I will starting thinking about it again and think of things to write about.

Congrats, you made it to the end of my absurd blog post.

I just want to say blog a few more times before post this.



Blog. Blog. Blog.


Blog. Blog.


Alright. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. haha this cracked me up! yes blogging has opened my mind to seeing the fun and little joyful things that actually make up our everyday lives. Keep it up :)
